
Imaging is an important part of diagnosing and monitoring fungal infections, especially when combined with mycological evidence. For good reviews with lots of informative images please see:

Setting the correct parameters for CT and MR scanning requires radiological expertise. Likewise interpretation is critical and can be difficult. Radiological imaging cannot make a precise mycological diagnosis but usually contributes greatly to a full understanding of the extent of disease and its treatment. Mistaken radiological diagnosis does occasionally occur, primarily because a wide differential diagnosis is not considered initially, and some fungal infections are rare.

We also have a page dedicated to imaging.

You can also have a look at this visual presentation of fungal infections in CT and MRI radiology 2021.

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Choosing a modality

Case typeHelpfulUnhelpfulReason
Central nervous systemMRIUn-enhanced CTCT scanning is insensitive and contrast often not given because of renal dysfunction. Unenhanced CT scan almost useless
Lung fungal infection in leukaemia or after haematopoietic stem cell treatment (HSCT)CTX-rayChest radiograph misses at least 10% of patients and is imprecise in the number and size of lesions
ABPACTX-rayChest radiograph is insensitive with respect to the complications bronchiectasis and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis
SinusCTX-raySinus radiograph insensitive, especially for ethmoid and sphenoid disease
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